domenica 24 novembre 2019

Christmas Approaches.

Firstly, sorry for the quiet over the last year, but we're back for your reading pleasure.

Christmas, what does it mean for you?

In this country we like to do things with snow.

That's a little bit weird because I can't remember it ever snowing here at Christmas.
It doesn't snow in Australia either at Christmas time.


I don't think it snowed at the manger either on that supposed birth 2019 years ago.

Is the guy in the middle holding a 
soprano saxophone or a cornet?
In actual fact, at Christmas there are probably more places where is doesn't snow than there are places where it does.

Maybe we should live up to what we know was probably in the manger on that day and start celebrating soprano saxophones.

Unless, of course, it was actually a cornet that the guy in the manger was holding.

Whatever he was holding, it was actually a silver one so sorry for the inaccurate pictures.

Hey, it's good to be back blogging and bringing you the important issues.

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